Драйвер Мтс Коннект Для Windows 7
. connect MTS in a Windows 7 system for the first time, and a CD drive will be mounted. Don't install the software, open the MTS CD Drive, find a file with.deb extension. It is the debian driver file which we need to install.
Copy/Paste the debian file into Ubuntu Home, open terminal and run the following command sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb mention the package name correctly. Easiest way would be double clicking the deb file, which opens UBUNTU software installer, but many times it returns an error. Don't bother about the modem disconnected error. I too get it quite often.
Sometimes it takes 10-20 minutes after many trials. Connect the device first and then start the system. Don't know the technical reason behind this. But I get connected in 2 or 3 attempts by doing this. Ubuntu is so powerful that it can detect any Modem. You need to do just proper setting to use it.
For Mblaze Customer Care no. Are (Call no. As per your state and city) Bihar: 9135-955-955 Delhi: 9136-955-955 Haryana: 9138-955-955 Karnataka: 9141-955-955 Kerala: 9142-955-955 Kolkata: 9153-955-955 Maharashtra: 9145-126-126 Mumbai: 9146-126-126 Pune: 9146-126-126 Rajasthan: 9667-955-955 Tamil Nadu: 9150-955-955 West Bengal: 9153-955-955 Ask Customer care and note details of. APN:.
Username:. Password:. Dial Number: I suggest you to ask these details because it can change as per different state.

Click in network manager (See in top right panel). Click on 'edit connections' then go to mobile broadband. Click on 'Add'.
Select India as a country and MTS as a provider. Now go to mobile broadband tab. Edit details that provided by customer care. You will be able to connect Internet through mblaze. No need to other software or driver. The following worked for me:.
Click on the network connection icon in the upper right corner of the desktop. Then go to Edit connections-Add-Connection Type- and selected Mobile Broadband-Select Service Provider, configure and Save. The trick comes after. Now that we have created the connection, we have to enable it, and here is how we do it: On the network connections menu, an option - Enable mobile broadband will show.
Check that option and voila, your MTS is now up and running. Hope this helps, Happy Browsing!!! For MTS devices no driver need to be installed in Ubuntu.
Driver Mts Connect Windows 7
It is automatically detected. You need to set up user name and password to get connected. Click in network manager (See in top right panel).
click on 'edit connections' then go to mobile broadband. Click on 'Add'. Select All details like country and provider. Now goto mobile broadband tab. Provide user name user name is - internet@internet.mtsindia.in and password password is - mts.
Now try to connect. Click on network manager and select your connection Let us know if you have face any difficulties.